You’re welcome to post a comment on my blog. However, I have a few rules. I have a wonderful community of fiction writers here. If you post comments that are helpful to fiction writers, then all will be well.
Here are the rules:
- After you’ve posted a comment, my system will check your post and will flag any of a large number of “bad” words or common names of pharmaceuticals as spam. It will also flag anything else that resembles spam. If it sees something it doesn’t like, your post will not be displayed. I may occasionally sort through the spam looking for posts that are not spam, but I rarely do that. If your post doesn’t show up and you think it should have, send me an email from my Contact page and I’ll look into it.
- Any comment containing a link is automatically held for moderation. This is because spammers frequently post comments with links. When I moderate your post, I’ll ask myself whether your link is an ad or is legitimate, and will take action accordingly.
- Any comments that contain personal attacks on my blog readers or make remarks that would unnecessarily insult my blog readers will draw action from me. I will either edit the comment, or send it to spam hell, or (for repeated and flagrant offenders) ban the attacker. Anything you need to say on this blog, you can say nicely.
- I’m a public figure and you are free to attack me personally. That’s the price I pay for being who I am. But if you disparage me, you should use terms that won’t disparage other people at the same time. Also be aware that if you get rude to me, some of my blog readers may get upset with you and may respond in kind to you up to the level of rudeness you choose to operate at. That’s the price you pay.
Have fun!
Randy Ingermanson, Ph.D.