It’s been quite a while since I had a 24 Hour Special on my fiction-writing products. The last time I had one was in April. So I am WAY overdue.
Since Christmas is just around the corner, I thought it would be nice to run a 100 Hour Special.
Everything I sell is 50% off.
This 100 Hour Special runs from noon on Thursday, December 11, 2008 to 4 PM on Monday, December 15, 2008. (All times are California time.) Sorry, but I can’t give extensions on these hours.
In order to take advantage of this 50% discount, you just need to know the coupon code.
You can discover this coupon code, along with information on all my products, on this page of my web site
* Do you need help learning the craft of writing? Try my two series of lectures which I’ve given at writing conferences across the country: “FICTION 101” and “FICTION 201.” Going to a multi-day writing conference can cost you hundreds of dollars and will take days out of your life. You can buy my lectures with full notes for a fraction of that price.
* Do you need help getting your writing career organized? Take a look at how I got myself organized with the help of Strategic Planning Expert Allison Bottke. Allison and I did a series of five teleseminars, which we recorded. Get the full set of recordings, with transcripts and Allison’s incredible checklists. We call it “Clean Up Your Act!” because it’ll help you start acting like the professional writer you want to be.
* Do you want to learn to promote your writing (and get paid for it) by developing your speaking career? Check out the teleseminar series I did with Mary Byers, a professional speaker and author. The series has the incredibly catchy title “Promote Your Writing By Speaking.” Get the recordings along with transcripts and Mary’s worksheets and get going on promoting yourself and your ideas. Publishers adore writers who speak, because writers who speak are usually writers who sell.
* Are you planning to go to a writing conference in the next year? Check out author Meredith Efken’s e-book “Writer’s Conference Survival Guide” — 60 pages packed with everything you need to know to get your money’s worth out of that conference.
Click here to go to the page with the special coupon code to get a 50% discount during my 100-Hour Special:
I took advantage of your sale and purchased “Writer’s Conference Survival Guide.”
So far I’m loving it, and hope to put it to excellent use for the conference I’m attending in February.
Thanks muchly!
Thanks for the sale! I’ll check it out.
Merry Christmas!